Ja sam Stefan Veljković, po struci profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti. Uža specijalizacija su mi tekstovi za prevod sa srpskog na engleski i obratno.
Kao prevodilac radim od 2008. godine, a prijatelji me smatraju gramatičkim nacistom — osobom koja ima natprirodno istančan osećaj za pravopis i gramatiku.
Kombinacije u kojima već 15+ godina radim prevod tekstova:
✅ prevod sa srpskog na engleski ✅ prevod sa engleskog na srpski ✅ prevod sa srpskog na nemački ✅ prevod sa nemačkog na srpski
Ako ti treba kvalitetan prevod, samo mi pošalji imejl i biće spreman odmah: prevod@stefanveljkovic.com
Gde se pojavljujem
U petnaestogodišnjoj prevodilačkoj karijeri sarađivao sam sa više od 300 klijenata, poslodavaca, medija i platformi. Neki od njih su lekari, profesori i pedagozi, a neki su istraživači, istoričari i novinari.
Štaviše, mnogi su svoje radove i tekstove objavili u međunarodnim časopisima i na uglednim inostranim portalima. Za prevod svojih stručnih tekstova koristili su upravo moje prevodilačke usluge.
Iako većinu njih čine fizička lica, ovo su samo neka od pravnih lica sa kojima sam uspostavio saradnju:
Mnogi prevodioci često kasne sa isporukom prevoda i prečesto je taj prevod prepun grešaka: slovnih, semantičkih i gramatičkih. Drugim rečima, prava glavobolja za naručioce prevoda.
Nasuprot tome, pročitaj šta su o mom radu, mojim tekstovima i prevodima imali da kažu samo neki od mojih saradnika i klijenata iz Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Sjedinjenih Država, Izraela, itd:
Andrew Higgins
New York Times, US
I have worked with Stefan several times in northern Kosovo in recent years and have found him very good at arranging meetings and guiding my work as a reporter trying to understand and explain the complexities of Mitrovica and other towns. He speaks superb English and is mercifully free of the prejudices held by many Serbs and ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo.
Liresa Shala
Research Manager & Data Analyst, market-i, Germany & UAE
I had the pleasure of working with Stefan for the past 3 years on multiple research projects in Northern Kosovo. His contributions were instrumental to the success of these projects. Stefan has exceptional skills and experience in translating research instruments from English to Serbian and vice versa. He has also provided simultaneous translations for focus groups, which have greatly contributed to the success of the projects and client satisfaction. Additionally, Stefan has delivered high-quality work managing the research projects he was contracted for, which involved managing a local data collection team for both quantitative and qualitative research. Therefore, I highly recommend Stefan for any market research projects that require expertise in material and simultaneous translation, as well as project management.
Daniel Petrick
Senior Editor, Kosovo 2.0
I worked closely with Stefan for almost two years on a daily basis assigning English-to-Serbian translations and reviewing Serbian-to-English translations and can attest to his fluid and fluent translations, which he always produced in a prompt and efficient manner. Due to his fine eye for detail and thoughtful approach to the texts, he frequently caught mistakes that the rest of the editorial team had missed. He is an extremely collaborative, easy-going, and positive member of a work team and I would not hesitate to recommend him for any translation job.
Gentiana Paçarizi
Managing Editor, Kosovo 2.0, Kosovo
I highly recommend Stefan for any translation role he may be applying for. I had the pleasure of supervising his work as a translator and was consistently impressed with his attention to detail and accuracy in his translations. Stefan's dedication to quality was evident in his approach to his work, where he was meticulous in ensuring that his translations were not only accurate but also free of errors. Stefan is a quick worker and always delivered his assignments in a timely manner. His strong work ethic and commitment to excellence were invaluable to the team.
Luca Tesei Li Bassi
Program Manager, Kosovo 2.0, Kosovo
I highly recommend Stefan for his outstanding responsiveness and timeliness in providing translation services. His prompt communication and ability to deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines have been an asset for our entire team at Kosovo 2.0. I have no doubt that Stefan would be equally beneficial to anyone seeking quick and dependable translation services.
Mladen Savković
urednik, Kosovo 2.0, Crna Gora
Saradnja sa Stefanom je bila više nego laka i rezultat je uvijek bio na visokom nivou. Volim da sarađujem sa prevodiocima koji se trude da se drže originala, ali kod kojih se (tamo gdje treba) uvijek primijeti osobni pečat, a Stefan je jedan od njih.
Milica Andrić Rakić
projektna menadžerka, Nova društvena inicijativa, Kosovo/Srbija
Sa Stefanom sarađujem dugi niz godina, i mogu samo preporuke da dam po pitanju kvaliteta njegovog prevoda, tačnosti, poštovanja rokova, kao i otvorenosti za brze i hitne intervencije.
Aulonë Kadriu
Editor, Kosovo 2.0, Kosovo
I've had the pleasure of working with Stefan for several years, and he consistently proves to be a valuable asset to any team. He is reliable, responsive, and dedicated –– always willing to step up and lend a hand to a fellow team member. Stefan is committed to any role he carries. He is flexible and a very respectful person. Besides his strong commitment and discipline to his job, Stefan's approachable nature makes him easy to work with and someone you can always count on.
Arif Muharremi
Program Manager, Manifesta 14, Kosovo
During my engagement as a Program Manager for Manifesta 14 - Western Balkans Project at European Biennial Manifesta 14, I had the great pleasure to work with Stefan Veljković who was engaged as a specialist for translating and proofreading essential documents that were produced within the framework of the biennial. During his engagement at Manifesta 14, I was impressed with Stefan's work ethics and the quality of his work. What's more, Stefan was very flexible to finalize his work in very tight deadlines, proving to be a highly efficient and reliable team player. I wholeheartedly recommend Stefan for any position. His inspiring enthusiasm and his ability to deliver excellence are great assets for any organization.
dr Ivana Simijonović
asistent na Učiteljskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Prištini, Srbija
Želim da pohvalim saradnju sa Stefanom i ukažem na njegovu profesionalnost u poslu. Prevodi su bili besprekorni i, naravno, završeni u dogovorenom roku.
Predrag Živković
vanredni profesor, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Srbija
Kolega Veljković je, od kako sa njim sarađujem, uvek na dispoziciji i voljan da sarađuje. Pomaže i vodi. Njegova motivacija da bude predvodnik generacije ohrabruje.
Nidžara Ahmetašević
Novinarka, istraživačica, Bosna i Hercegovina
Raditi sa Stefanom je istinsko zadovoljstvo. Tokom više od 6 godina saradnje, Stefan se pokazao kao osoba na koju sam se mogla osloniti u svakom trenutku. Njegovi prijevodi su bili besprijekorni, te mi je bio značajan oslonac kao osoba koja poznaje jezike i ko primjećuje i najsitnije detalje dok čita tekst, što je u procesu uređivanja vrlo važno. Uz to, Stefan je dobar kolega, kojem se može vjerovati i koji je uvijek spreman na saradnju i pomoć, što je za mene neprocjenjivo.
Ezekiel Lein
PhD Candidate, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
I have known Stefan for more than three years. On several occasions during this period, he provided me with first-class translation services from Serbian to English and vice versa, alongside wise guidance on Kosovo’s complex political and cultural context. His support was essential for advancing my PhD research project. I strongly recommend him!
Doni Mehmeti
Novel writer, Kosovo
I’ve had the pleasure to see Stefan at work while proofreading and editing my novel last year. A creative guy with a thorough work ethic. Can’t wait to work together on my future projects.
Michael Guirguis
Chief Medical Officer, Raven Medical Support Group, United States
I have worked with Stefan over the last 6 months while writing for EP Wired. He was one of the point persons I would discuss articles with and was very helpful in helping me publish. Although we live on separate continents in vastly different time zones, there was always that sweet spot where we were both able to communicate and he was always helpful.
I would recommend Stefan to anyone looking for a hard-working, dependable person for any professional endeavor.
Stefan Sovrlic
Chief Marketing Officer, Z1 Tech, Serbia
Stefan has demonstrated impeccable German and English language abilities while translating content for our clients. He has always demonstrated excellent communication and teamwork abilities, making him a valuable team member on all of the projects we were executing.
In short, I'd heartily recommend Stefan to anyone looking for a dependable and competent person for any professional endeavor.
Matthew Porcelli
Safety and Security Management Specialist, United States
I have known Stefan for almost a year, specifically through my articles with EP Wired, an online security magazine for executive protection professionals.
During our collaboration and when I submit an article, Stefan has one of the fastest turnarounds for publication I have ever seen! His proofreading, editing, and professionalism is amazing. Stefan treats each author's work with care and commendable accuracy to ensure it gets the maximum exposure.
Josh Reeve
CEO and Chief Security Officer, Empire Protection, Australia
I’ve been connected with and working with Stefan for 6 months and have found him to be a true professional in his field.
A great communicator, always quick to resolve issues and extremely easy to work with. His knowledge of the intricacies of his industry is high-level as is his ability to deliver outstanding results.
Adam Green
Risk Management Expert, PPS Group, United Arab Emirates
A very professional marketeer, and a highly competent proofreader.
A pleasure to work with and always creative in the content he aims to promote.
I have collaborated with Stefan on several occasions and am impressed with his abilities to edit and optimize our articles, especially since he also has a deep and up-to-date vision of executive protection.
Jack Butcher
Journalist & Editor, Kosovo, United Kingdom
I worked with Stefan for more than six years and in that time he was always extremely professional. His translation tasks were invariably completed promptly and with a positive, "can do" attitude and he was diligent in maintaining organisational systems and processes.
The quality of his translations into English were of a high standard and he demonstrated an excellent grasp of the English language, as well as a continuous willingness to learn. When translating to Serbian, Stefan frequently showed his value to the wider team and his eye for detail by highlighting any oversight in editing of the original text to ensure the quality of the final product.
Brady Pesola
Security Professional & Soft Skills Expert, United States
Hell of an editor and a writer! Very kind and professional and it shows in his work and his associations of people.
Robert Currie
Crisis Management Expert, RCAS, Canada
I collaborated with Stefan while he was at EP Wired on multiple articles. Stefan is not only very proficient in his role as editor, he made the collaboration experience a lot of fun.
On a few occasions I was tardy with submissions and he was very tactful in nudging timelines forward. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Stefan and wish him all the best in his new endeavors!
Oron Ben Simon
Director, EP Wired, Israel
Stefan has grown tremendously over the 2 years and has become one of the most valuable and prolific writers on our team. Stefan is a talented wordsmith, researcher, and editor who has a way with words. He’s extremely skilled at naturally incorporating keywords throughout his articles and has an intuitive sense of how to write SEO-optimized articles.
Stefan is extremely accountable to deadlines and skilled at working independently, while at the same time is proactive about contributing to the team and collaborating with his colleagues.
Stefan Simic
Marketing Manager & Editor-in-Chief, EP Wired, Serbia
I had the pleasure of working with Stefan for two years at EP Wired. I was always impressed with the professionalism with which he discharged his duties, as well as his enthusiasm for taking on more responsibilities and personal growth. Stefan is proactive, diligent and always on point. I am sure he will be an excellent addition to any team he joins in the future.
cenE prevoda
Besplatan prevod sa srpskog na engleski postoji samo na Gugl translejtu. Međutim, ni Gugl se nije proslavio kada su u pitanju složenije rečeničke konstrukcije, fraze i prilagođavanje prevoda ciljnom jeziku.
Ako negde na internetu naletiš na naslov prevod sa engleskog na srpski cenaili prevod sa srpskog na engleski cena, onda ćeš verovatno naići na nerealno visoke cene prevoda.
To jest, dok ne naiđeš na moje usluge.
Ako te zanima izuzetno povoljan prevod sa srpskog na engleski i prevod sa engleskog na srpski, ovo su moje cene prevoda:
Za opšte tekstove: 0.05e po reči. Na primer, ako imaš tekst od 1.000 reči, cena je 50 evra.
Za specijalizovane tekstove (finansije, medicina, arhitektura i slično): 0.08e po reči.
Iste cene važe za prevod sa nemačkog na srpski i sa srpskog na nemački.
Prevodilac sa srpskog na engleski i nemački mora da ume kvalitetno, brzo i detaljno da prouči tekst koji mu pošalješ i da ga potom prevede u rekordnom roku.
Sem toga, u moju cenu prevoda je uračunata i lektura. Tako ti, kao naručilac prevoda, nećeš morati da angažuješ i lektora koji će ti naplatiti još jednu uslugu. U meni dobiješ i prevodioca i lektora.
Drugim rečima, profesionalni prevodilac srpski-engleski i prevodilac srpski-nemački jeste podjednako vešt u lekturi i prevođenju.
Garancija kvaliteta
U prethodnih 15+ godina preveo sam više od 1.000 tekstova, a engleskim i nemačkim se služim od svoje 10. godine. Jezici su moja velika pasija, tako da se prema svakom tekstu ophodim kao prema novom izazovu i iskustvu.
Garantujem da su svi tekstovi za prevod sa engleskog na srpski i obratno:
✅ poverljivi ✅ autentični ✅ profesionalni ✅ visokokvalitetni ✅ dostavljeni na vreme
Sve ovo važi i za prevod sa srpskog na nemački i prevod sa nemačkog na srpski.
Ako smatraš da neka rečenica ili neki termin iziskuju drugačiji prevod od onoga kako sam ja preveo, uneću izmene bez ikakve dodatne naplate.
Hitni prevodi
Ako ti gori pod nogama i treba ti prevod danas za danas, pozovi me odmah na +381 64 04 77 505 ili mi piši preko aplikacije WhatsApp ispod.